Review: Among the Christmas Lights | May Pereira

Title: Among the Christmas Lights

Author: May Pereira

Publisher: Independent

Number of pages: 52

Synopsis: In Entre a Luz e as Sombras, Eric and Clara, two unusual people, find their “Happily Ever After” together. It turns out that everyone knows — or should know — that this is never the end of the story. On the contrary, it's just the beginning.

Life goes on and things are going well, but Christmas has arrived. For Eric, this is a date that brings back some of the worst memories of his childhood and the longing for his dearest Maggie. So celebrating is the last thing he wants. He just forgot to tell Clara, who is excited and full of plans, ready to show her love the true essence of Christmas.


The book "Between the Lights of Christmas" is a Christmas tale between the main characters of the first book: "In between the light and the shadows". When I heard about the release of this short story, I freaked out, because I was missing these perfect characters so much.

Eric and Clara are together, happy, they will be first-time parents and they are in the happiest time, which is Christmas.

But there is a detail, Eric does not enjoy this Christmas season, because of the sad memories of his childhood. However, Eric neglected to mention that celebrating is the last thing he would want right now for his wife. Clara is totally excited and looking forward to the couple's first Christmas and is full of plans and expectations.

Will Eric vent to Clara why he doesn't like to celebrate Christmas? Or not? What do you think will happen?

"Between the Christmas Lights", by author May Pereira, was a pleasant surprise for me. I started reading this book at Christmas time, and I have to tell you that I loved meeting these two characters that I loved.

We have a total of 52 pages, and I read the whole book in just a few hours, can you believe that? There's no way not to get deeply involved and root for these perfect and passionate characters.

The author's narrative and writing are phenomenal, captivating, fast, fluid and delicious.

I highly recommend that you read the book "In between light and shadows" and the Christmas tale by author May Pereira. I'm sure you'll fall in love with Clara and Eric, and in the end you'll feel your heart warm with this perfect story.

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